

Click here for a quick video on how to find Backgrounds.

Adding a Background

1. Click on the Backgrounds tab to access the Backgrounds menu



2. You can select one of the suggested backgrounds or choose a solid background color. To use a suggested background, simply drag and drop the background onto the desired page


4. If you do not want to use one of the suggested backgrounds, or a solid color background, you can click the "Find Backgrounds" button and browse our catalog of backgrounds.


5. You can search backgrounds by using a keyword or applying one of our many filters.


6. Click on the desired background and decide if you want to show the background on the left page, right page, both pages, or all pages in section (not available in ladder books).


7. Click the Apply Background button and the background will be applied to the pages selected in the previous step



Removing a Background

You can remove a background by clicking the "Remove Photo" button located in the "Edit Photo" tab.

Alternatively, you can click on the background and push the "Delete" key on your keyboard.



Saved Backgrounds

When browsing backgrounds, you will notice three clickable links in the upper right corner

  • Added by Team - These are 3rd party backgrounds that have been imported by team members. To learn more about importing your own backgrounds, click here.


  • In this Project - This is where you will find all backgrounds used in the project. This is helpful when you want to use a previously used background on another page.


  • My Favorites - These are backgrounds that you have favorited. These backgrounds can only be seen by you and are not visible to other team members. They will also be visible in all projects associated to your account.


Note: You can favorite a background by clicking the heart symbol when hovering your mouse over a background thumbnail.


Copy Background to Media Tray

If you would like to copy the background to use it as a regular image, you can copy the background to your media tray. After clicking on a background in the browser, you will see an option to "Copy Background to Media Tray". If you click this link, a copy of the background will be saved to your media tray so that you may now drag and drop anywhere on your page.


Note: If you are designing a "Ladder" book, this may look a little different because images are saved to folders in a ladder book. Therefore, you will need to choose a folder to save the background to.


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