If you have Parent Ads enabled, you can start creating and designing ad sections.
Creating an Ad Section (section books)
To create an ad section, simply click the "New Section" link at the top of the Sections area in your project's dashboard.
and choose the "Ad" option
Enter a name for the section and the number of pages you want the section to have. Then click Finish.
Enabling Ad Pages (ladder books)
While in ladder view, click on the gear icon for the two page spread you want to convert and click "Enable Ads"
You will then notice both pages will have the "Ad" icons to let you know the pages were converted successfully
Please Note: In ladder books, you cannot convert a single page to a parent ad page. You must convert both pages in a spread to parent ad pages
Designing an Ad Section
Click on the ad section you want to edit from your project dashboard.
Click the Parent Ads tab in the left panel. From here you can see ALL ads or filter them by size. You may also check/uncheck the checkbox if you want to hide/show ads that have already been used on other pages. If you don't see any ads, then you have not approved any ads yet. See article about ad management here.
To apply the ad to a page, simply drag and drop the ad from the left panel onto a page. Then you can move the ad anywhere on the page. The ad sizes were designed to fit within the margins of the page (for example, a quarter page ad fills in a quarter of the space within the margin).
If you would like to add stroke around your ads for better separation, you can do so by clicking on the ad after placing it on a page. This will bring up the "Edit Ad" tab and from here you can add stroke. You can also change the color and thickness of the stroke.
Parent Ad Dimensions:
If you are using an outside editor (PhotoShop, InDesign or Canva) you can use the following guidelines for the page dimensions for a Size 9 Book:
For a Size 8 Book, please use the following dimensions:
Size 8, 1/8” page Ads: 4.29” x 2.843” (1287px x 853px)
Size 8, 1/4” page Ads: 4.29” x 5.69” (1287px x 1707px)
Size 8, 1/2” page Ads: 8.583” x 5.69” (2575px x 1707px)
Size 8, Full page Ads: 8.583” x 11.383” (2575px x 3415px)
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