The yearbook adviser and senior editor(s) are able to add members to their team. This allows multiple people to have access to work on the yearbook.
1. To add a team member, click the "New Team Member" button found in the top right corner of your project's dashboard.
2. Enter the new team member's first/last name as well as the email address they will use to register/sign in. You will also need to select a role for this team member (see role definitions below). If you choose "Editor" for the role, you will also need to choose the pages/sections you want this person to have access to.
Hover your mouse over the team members name. Then click the pencil icon
Now you can edit the team member's name or change their assigned role and click "Save".
Note: You cannot change the email address assigned to the user. To change the email address, you will need to delete the team member and re-invite them using the new email address.
To remove a team member, simply click the red X that appears when hovering your mouse over a team member's name
ADVISER - The adviser is in charge of the yearbook project and has access to all sections and editing tools. In addition, the adviser can add and assign roles to other team members, manage members, supervise and organize photos, create and manage a store, request a PDF proof and is the only person who can place an order on behalf of the school.
SENIOR EDITOR - The Senior Editor has all the abilities the adviser has except for ordering, store management, and adjusting the price of the book.
EDITOR - An Editor is assigned a particular section to work on, therefore you must create sections within the Section/Page Manager prior to assigning anyone this position. Editors cannot access sections they are not assigned to.
PHOTO EDITOR - A Photo Editor has access to all of the images within the Manage Photos module in the project dashboard, but cannot access any sections.
VIEWERS - Viewers can browse the book, but cannot make any alterations. This is the ideal position for anyone who has volunteered to help proofread the book.