Ladder Management

Ladder Management



If you are designing a yearbook in ladder format, you will see a button in your project dashboard that says "Manage Ladder". Click this button to manage your ladder.


Page Manager

This is where you will be able to see all your pages in a bird's eye view. Click on a spread to drag and drop it to a different location in the book. Click "Save" after you make all your changes.

*Please note: you cannot move portrait pages in page manager. 



Manage Portrait Pages

This is where you will be able to assign portrait rules to any group of pages.


Click the "Assign Portrait Rules" button and start filling in the name of the portrait group, the grade, teacher (optional), homeroom (optional), planned portraits per page, and a color for easy identification on the ladder. Once you are finished filling in the information, click the Next button. 


Now you will be prompted to choose which page(s) you want to assign these rules to. You can choose one page or several pages. The pages must be consecutive pages. If the pages you want are grayed out, this is because they are ineligible. You cannot assign portrait rules to other portrait pages, locked pages, converted 2 page spreads, ad pages, index pages, and inside covers. When you are done selecting your pages, click the Finish button.


Once assigned, the pages will be categorized as portrait pages and will have a portrait symbol  on the ladder so you know which pages have been assigned portrait rules. If you need to edit or delete the portrait rules of existing portrait page(s), click "Manage Portrait Pages" from the "Manage" menu again and click "edit" or "delete".



Manage Index Pages

If you already uploaded portrait images via a PSPA, and you plan to tag students as they appear in the book, you have the option to add index pages. Index pages will show an alphabetical list of students and which page(s) each student can be found on. Index pages can be added anywhere in the book, but they are traditionally located at the very end. 



Adding/Deleting Pages

To add a page spread, click the plus sign located between ladder pages

To delete a page spread, click the gear icon and select "Delete" 



Parent Ads

If you plan to offer parent ads, and you have already enabled them in project dashboard, you can convert regular pages to ad pages by clicking the gear icon and selecting "Enable Ads". Now you can start applying parent ads to these pages. If you change your mind, you can disable parent ad pages by clicking the same gear icon and selecting "Disable Ads". 



Mark as Ready for Review

Once a page spread is complete, you can mark the pages as ready for review. This means an editor or other team member needs to review the pages before it is ready to be locked. To mark a section ready for review, click the gear icon and select "Mark as Ready for Review". 



Locking/Unlocking Pages

When you are finished with a page spread, you can lock those pages so they can no longer be edited by other team members. To lock a section, click the gear icon and select "Lock". To unlock a section, click the same gear icon and select "Unlock". If you want to lock or unlock ALL pages, click the lock icon in the top right and select "Lock All" or "Unlock All".




Regenerate Thumbnails

If you notice any page thumbnails are out of date, you can force them to refresh. To refresh thumbnails, click the gear icon and select "Regenerate Thumbnails". This will refresh the thumbnails for that specific page spread. 



Filter Ladder

If you want to filter your pages based on status, you can use the filter options located in the left panel. You can filter pages that haven't been started, are in progress, are ready for review, or pages that are locked. You can also filter the pages based on page type (i.e. portrait pages, ad pages, or index pages). 

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