Managing the Pre-Order Queue

Managing the Pre-Order Queue

If you are an adviser with a yearbook in a storefront, you can monitor pre-order sales in a few different ways.


Order Summary

To see the total number of pre-orders placed, log into Creator Studio, navigate to the "Sell" tab, and click "Manage Sales" for the desired project.


Once you are in the Sales Dashboard, you can see an overview of all pre-orders that have been placed. You can also see total profit/loss (if you have chosen to markup or sell at a loss). 



Orders Report

To see a report of pre-orders placed, log into Creator Studio, navigate to the "Sell" tab, and click "Manage Sales" for the desired project.


Once you are in the "Sales Dashboard", you can view a report of all orders placed by clicking "All Orders" in the left panel OR by clicking "View All Orders" in the "Orders by Item" section

From the All Orders view, you can view or download a CSV file showing all the pre-orders that have been placed. This can be very helpful in keeping track of who has or hasn't yet placed a pre-order.



Pause Ordering

If you need to pause pre-ordering at any time, you can do so by clicking the "Pause Ordering" link in the upper right corner of the Sales Dashboard


Once paused, no one will be able to place an order from the yearbook store. Customers will see the following in your store when you pause pre-orders


As soon as you are ready to start accepting pre-orders again, you can click the "Resume Ordering" link





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