Online & In-School Yearbook Orders (Advisers Only)

Online & In-School Yearbook Orders (Advisers Only)

Did you sell books in school AND pre-orders online?

If yes, please remember that your order is not complete until you have added the total amount of your in-school book sales to your pre-order queue. Make sure you do this BEFORE submitting your pre-order queue to production. 


1. Visit the storefront where you are offering pre-orders and make sure you sign in. Click the blue "Order in Bulk" button. 


2. Enter the number of hardcover and softcover books you wish to order (equal to the amount you sold during your in-school sales campaign plus any extras you may want). Click Continue.


3. Enter your shipping address and click "Continue" again.


4. Now you can pay for the books. There are a few options.

  1. If you want to pay for this balance later when you submit your books to production, check the "Pay Later" checkbox. 
  2. If you requested an invoice and the invoice has been paid, you will be given a voucher code that can be used now. Enter the voucher code and click the "Apply" button.
  3. If you want to pay for the balance now, choose your payment method (credit card, PayPal, or PayPal Credit), and fill out your information. 

5. Once your bulk order is complete, and you no longer expect to receive anymore pre-orders from parents, you can release your pre-order queue to production. 


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