Using Profits to Pay For Your Order

Using Profits to Pay For Your Order

Schools that have made a profit from their storefront sales may use those profits to order additional yearbooks before they release their bulk order into production. Here’s how:


Advisers should make sure they have enough profits to cover what books they want to order by viewing the sales summary found in "Manage Sales" from the store list in Creator Studio.


When calculating the profit amount needed to order additional books, use the actual cost of the book (not the marked up amount listed on the storefront). This can be done easily by signing into the yearbook storefront with the adviser's account. You will see the option to "Order in Bulk" under "Adviser Tools:

This will allow you to order the book at cost, rather than the retail price listed in the storefront:

Now you can now select the cover type and quantity and click on continue:

Under "Review and Place Order", you will want to select the "Pay Later" option to have the cost of these books taken from your existing profits:


The school may then return to the orders summary to see any remaining profits or losses. If the school orders more books than it has profits, the system will charge the school for the balance owed when the school submits the books into production.


If a school would like to determine how many copies they can cover using their profits, a cost calculator is available in the Pricing section of Sales Settings

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